
Japan’s creepy sex doll industry ‘reaches next level’

Japan’s creepy sex doll industry ‘reaches next level’ in creation of perfect artificial £1,000 ‘Dutch Wife’ which comes with ‘realistic feeling skin’

Firm Oriental Industry claims the dolls are their most realistic to date
Come complete with realistic feeling skin and authentic looking eyes
Sold under the name ‘Dutch Wives’ and cost just over £1,000 each
Company say early sales indicate the dolls are a big success

A Japanese company claims to have reached the next level in developing the most genuine looking sex doll which comes complete with realistic feeling skin and authentic looking eyes.

Orient Industry say their new range of dolls, made from high quality silicon, are so realistic there is very little to distinguish them from a real girlfriend at first glance.

The dolls, which are non inflatable, are sold under the name ‘Dutch Wives’, a Japanese term for a sex doll, and adverts in the media boast that anyone who buys one will never want a real girlfriend again.

They sell for just over £1,000 each and early sales indicate they are proving to be a success.

And the company behind the dolls are putting their success down to their realistic looking skin and eyes.

They also come with a selection of clothing to prevent the new owner from having to suffer the embarrassment of visiting a lingerie store.

Potential buyers can also customise the dolls, meaning they can chose the bust size, look and hair colour of their doll.

Company spokesman Osami Seto said: ‘The two areas we identified as really needing improvement were the skin and the eyes.

‘We feel we have finally got something that is arguably not distinguishable from the real thing.’

The dolls are part of a high-tech industry in Japan, which is constantly looking at ways to make sex toys as realistic as possible.

Latest models of the dolls include movable joints so buyers can place them in any position they wish.


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