
5 Annoying Things About Christmas

Here are 5 almost universal holiday un-pleasantries that can take the Merry right out of Christmas.

Admitting that parts of the Christmas holiday are annoying doesn't make you a Grinch.

In that spirit, here are 5 almost universal holiday un-pleasantries that can take the Merry right out of Christmas.

Number 5. Crowds are unavoidable and after days of waiting in long lines and being bumped into by fellow shoppers, it's hard to muster, as the songs say, "goodwill towards men."

Number 4. Speaking of songs, the music itself can quickly fray one's nerves. The pool of popular Christmas music is pretty shallow and within a week you've probably heard all of them 50 times each.

Number 3. As if avoiding fat and sugar-filled treats isn't hard enough, everywhere you go there's a tray full sitting around. Plus, refusing to take one risks offending the person who made them.

Number 2 Somehow, the number of items presented in blister and clamshell packages seems to proliferate around the holidays. Not only are they irritating to open, one mishap and you could sever an artery.

Number 1. As much fun as it is to put up holiday décor, it's tough to muster enthusiasm for the post-Christmas job of packing it back up.


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