
3 Popular Myths About Olive Oil

For millions of people, it's hard to imagine cooking their meal without olive oil. But did you know these 3 claims about olive oil are myths according to

For millions of people, it's hard to imagine cooking their meal without olive oil. But did you know these 3 claims about olive oil are myths according to

Myth Number 3 -- The oil at your grocery store is fresh. Unlike some wines and cheeses, olive oil doesn't get better with age. It actually loses its healthy properties. Dr. Selina Wang from the University of California, Davis explained, "A lot of times, when the imported oil gets to us, it's 3 years old." Look for products that include a harvest date to confirm freshness.

Myth Number 2 -- The color tells you the quality. Actually, the oil or juice of the olive comes in all different colors depending on when and from which olives it's harvested. A greener color indicates higher antioxidant content and often a fuller flavor. As the oil ages and oxidizes, the color changes. Dr. Wang recommends wrapping clear bottles in aluminum foil to avoid degradation from light exposure.

Myth Number 1 -- "Light" versions have fewer calories. "Light" actually just refers to the lighter taste resulting from more processed and deodorized oil content. Light versions contain the same amount of calories and fat as other olive oils. Dr. Wang recommends extra virgin as the healthiest with the most antioxidants.


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