
Very Bizarre Trends From Around The World

Globalization and the associative digital media age may have served to bring the world closer together, but there remain some cultural and societal norms that simply aren’t likely to cross any borders. Throughout the world, various cultures possess qualities and characteristics that are uniquely theirs, a product of their own, independent background that exists irrespective to how things are done elsewhere. Proper diplomacy holds that we are to respect these differences, even if they are strange and foreign to us.

Hey, it’s not hard to see how some popularized cultural trends that have gained a following here might be considered odd by outside observers. Head into any North American high school today and you are likely to see students sporting jeans that are either ripped or low-riding, or both. It isn’t so long ago that Uggs, frosted tips, shuttered Kanye glasses and tramp stamps were all a thing. Indeed, no one holds the authority to serve as judge, jury and executioner on the fashion decisions and choices of others. You never know, after all, if a trend is being adhered to out of a loyal sense of popularized commitment or a detached and self aware sense of irony. Or maybe those jeggings just happened to be really comfortable.

But let’s face it – trends can get pretty weird sometimes. It’s difficult to explain the lure of public fascination and what makes something popular within a particular place and community at a particular time. It seems harmless enough when a trend emerges that sucks you into an ill-advised purchase that will be simply collecting dust in your closet within six months, serving to only cost you a bit of coin. Other fads, however, are more boundary-pushing in nature. Cult followings have been generated over dangerous popularized fads involving dramatic weight loss techniques, permanent engravings, ocular surgical procedures and even body modification practices.

Each of these trends, as dangerous and ill-advised as they may be, addresses a need or desire commonly shared among the cultural group that has decided to follow it. While some, such as China’s ‘facekini’ fad, stem from a legitimate need to protect one’s physical well-being, most of the items on this list serve to address more superficial interests. People are, first and foremost, concerned with fitting in, after all. They want to fulfill and achieve the societal ideal of beauty while also presenting themselves in as favorable and interesting a manner as possible, seeking to represent the person that they wish to be. This typically means targeting perceived body issues, falling in line with popular styles and endeavoring to find eternal youth.

While some needs and desires may well be universal in nature, how they go about achieving them seems to be steeped in one’s cultural background. We may not be able to understand the rationality behind these 10 popular trends, but we don’t necessarily need to. These are all firmly a product of the culture that they have emerged from and have garnered a following as a result, regardless of how weird we may find them.

Eye Tattoos / Jewelry
Belly Button Challenge
Hitler Chic
Elf Boots
Sunlight Diet
Yaeba Teeth
Animal Hair Hats


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