
10 Bizarre Reasons That Can Get You Executed Around the World

Here are 10 of the world's strangest capital crimes.

In the US, death penalties are handed down for extreme acts like murder and treason.

In other places, far lesser offenses can land a person in the company of an executioner.

Here are 10 of the world's strangest capital crimes.

Number 10. Adultery. In Saudi Arabia, stepping out on your spouse can end in a public beheading. A few years ago, a Saudi princess sought asylum in UK to escape that fate. Many others aren't so fortunate.

Number 9. Watching movies. In North Korea watching a film made in neighboring South Korea is cause for execution. Other offenses that carry the severe penalty include distributing pornography.

Number 8. Drug trafficking. Iranians caught moving drugs are sentenced to death. The country is known for making good on the promise. It has one of the highest execution rates in the world.

Number 7. Embezzlement. Of the 4 thousand or so people executed in China each year, a surprising percentage of them were convicted of white collar crimes. In addition to siphoning cash out of companies, taking bribes and fraudulently raising funds landed many a businessman at the point of no return.

Number 6. Apostasy. Renouncing Islam is not a good idea in Saudi Arabia. Yes, they sentence people to death for that, too.

Number 5. Homosexuality. Mauritania is one of several countries that not only deems being gay an offense, but a fatal one.

Number 4. Blasphemy. Be careful what you say and write when traveling through Pakistan. Words deemed as sacrilege have landed at least 14 people on death row there. One of them is reportedly a mentally ill man from Britain who wrote letters proclaiming he was a prophet.

Number 3. Alcohol consumption. In Iran drinking alcohol is considered a serious crime. Typically, first time offenders get lashes however, if caught drinking the third time they may face death penalty.

Number 2. Sodomy. Many countries assure certain death to anyone engaging in the practice, but in Sudan they give two chances before an execution is ordered.

Number 1. Marijuana. Singapore is serious about crime, and carrying a quantity over 500 grams officially qualifies for capital punishment.

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