
The 10 Most Hated Foods in America

Here's a roundup of 10 of the most hated foods in America.

There are so many reasons people look at some foods with disdain and repulsion. Questionable origins, creepy textures, and just plain bad flavor are all characteristics that can land full plates in the trash, and quickly.

Here's a roundup of 10 of the most hated.

Number 10. Cilantro. Fans of the herb are no doubt shocked to hear this. The haters can't help it, though.

Turns out that some people are genetically predisposed to hating cilantro. Some people actually don't have a certain taste receptor in their mouth so cilantro can taste like dirt or soap.

Number 9. Licorice. Those who avoid the candy like it's the Black Death may be onto something.

Researchers found there's a compound in licorice that's actually in the root and it can lower your potassium level and that you can mess with your heart rhythm.

Eating 2 ounces a day for two weeks or more is considered risky behavior.

Number 8. Mushrooms. Ask a mushroom loather 'why?' and you'll probably just get a response like, 'they're too mushroom-y'. Deep down, though, they're no doubt aware that infestation by up to 20 maggots per 3.5 ounces is considered acceptable for commercial sale.

Number 7. Mayonnaise. As it's made from raw egg yolks and oil, many just think of it as a glop of uncooked greasy eggs.

"You know what they put on french fries in Holland instead of ketchup? Mayonnaise." [Travolta]

Among the condiment's more famous detractors are President Obama, Jimmy Fallon, and Rachel Ray.

Number 5. Celery. The chef at the highly celebrated restaurant Chanterelle won't allow it in his kitchen. He told the New York Times, "I don't use it in my mirepoix. It has no flavor. It's one-dimensional. It's an exercise in chewing. It's pointless."

Number 6. Oysters. Not only are the raw ones slimy, they're still alive. Rumor has it they can stay that way for up to two minutes after being swallowed.

Number 4. Tofu. It's a sponge in texture and function. As it's meant to just absorb the flavors around it, the squishy chunk itself has none.

"I just ate tofu. It's the grossest thing ever." [Tofu Taster]

Number 3. Cheese fondue. It's a big, bubbling pot of looming, unspeakable torture for those who are lactose intolerant. For true cheese lovers it's just a sad, bland, gloppy example of dairy abuse.

Number 2. Garlic. It'll ward off vampires, but will keep away just about anything else that can inhale, too. If antisocial were an herb, this would be it.

Number 1. Brussels sprouts. According to a survey done by Heinz, Brussels sprouts are officially the most reviled vegetable in America. Unfortunately, they're also one of the best at fighting diseases. Hey, sauté them with enough bacon, and you won't even notice you're eating them.

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