
Church looks like a giant penis on Google Earth

When planning officials signed off on the design of this church, they failed to take into consideration one potential problem.

While it may look like a normal building from the ground, eagle-eyed internet users have noticed it resembles a giant penis when viewed from above.

The Christian Science Society, whose slogan is ‘rising up’, recently moved into its new greener place of worship in the city of Dixon, Illinois.

And it didn’t take long for one local resident to take a grab of the unusual design from Google Earth before posting it online.
Google Earth: Christian Science church looks like giant penis in Dixon, Illinois

This is the shape of a new church just built in my hometown. Awesome,’ wrote one user on Reddit.

‘Whoever designed that really cocked it up,’ added another.

Another helpful soul posted a link to the picture on the church’s official Facebook page, commenting: ‘Just so you know….’

A church spokesman responded: ‘Giant fig leaf coming soon.’



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