
10 Most Populated Counties in the U.S.

According to Census data, 50 percent of U.S. residents live in the largest 146 of those counties. Here are the top 10.

The U.S. has more than 3,000 counties. According to Business Insider, 50 percent of U.S. residents live in the largest 146 of those counties based on the Census data. Here are 10 of the most populated counties in the county:

Number 10 -- Queens County, New York, is the world's "most ethnically diverse urban area" with more than 138 foreign languages spoken there.

Number 9 -- Dallas County, Texas, had its population triple between 1950 and 1990.

Number 8 -- Kings County, New York, has about 82,000 students enrolled in 16 universities.

Number 7 -- Miami-Dade County, Florida, has a third of its 2,000 square miles located in Everglades National Park.

Number 6 -- Orange County, California, is a popular vacation spot with everything from scenic views to Disneyland.

Number 5 -- San Diego County, California, boasts a low crime rate, comfortable weather, and 70 miles of beaches.

Number 4 -- Maricopa County, Arizona, continues to be one of the country's fastest growing areas for families and businesses.

Number 3 -- Harris County, Texas, features the city of Houston, which is the biggest in Texas and the southern United States.

Number 2 -- Cook County, Illinois, features Chicago's world-famous architecture and entertainment.

And Number 1, the country's most populated county - Los Angeles County, California, can please everyone from outdoor enthusiasts to Hollywood legends.

top 10

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